Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Yogini, Interrupted

And so the journey starts with...a detour. I have not been practicing for over a month. The routine at home changed since school started and this is me trying to adjust (and refusing to part with my cash because I'm also in the middle of unplanned but necessary expenses left and right...but that's another story).
So here I am sitting and barely unable to move because yesterday was the first time after a long time that I went in for Bikram yoga. 
I expected for things to be difficult--to be stiff, unbendy, and to get tired easily--but was I in for a shock! I sat down and rested more times than I'd like to admit, had difficulty breathing, dizzy the whole time even in Savasana... I mean the worst feeling on the mat ever. I felt like my head was vibrating like Aquaman sending sonar waves to the Hall of Justice. 
In the middle of it all I was half convinced that it was a bad decision to go back but who am I kidding? I know I needed to sooner or later. Needless to say I made it to the end and decided that I will go back the next day. That is, after I spent half an hour recovering on the floor while the rest of the class got up and continued with their lives. I also realized how dehydrated I was to handle this comeback. I finished my near-liter of water plus two Gatorades. Did you catch that? Two bottles. TWO!
This parting shot is of my trusty water bottle that I noticed was beginning to peel its label. It must be losing hope that she will be used again by her owner and was on slow suicide mode.

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